This page and its contents are Copyright 1997-1999 by Fred Koschara.
All rights reserved.
Date: Thursday November 20th, 1997 Time: 2:35:48 am File: C:\signoff\notes\19971120.nte Title: Bandits with badges took my car Category: Observations 11/20/97i02:36:25 The thieves have my car. If I had gone to 11/20/97_02:36:54 Applebee's as I had planned, rather than meeting 11/20/97_02:37:09 Ed at Grand China, it wouldn't have happened this 11/20/97w02:37:25 night, but hindsight isn't going to change the 11/20/97_02:37:43 way things are... 11/20/97n02:37:47 When I came out of Grand China, I turned right to 11/20/97w02:38:08 cross Route 28 and head for Route 93 to go home. 11/20/97_02:38:28 My RADAR detector chirped a few times, and I saw 11/20/97_02:38:48 a police car cross the approach road at the light 11/20/97w02:39:09 by the entrance to the Rockingham dog track. My 11/20/97_02:39:39 speed was 25-30 miles per hour, and since I 11/20/97_02:40:04 wasn't in a rush to get home, I didn't speed up 11/20/97_02:40:21 out of that range as I passed the light. My 11/20/97_02:40:37 RADAR detector was still going off, and I saw 11/20/97_02:40:46 another police car was sitting in the entrance, 11/20/97_02:41:04 so I figured that's where the RADAR unit was 11/20/97_02:41:15 working from, not the police car I had seen make 11/20/97_02:41:24 a left turn, going in the opposite direction of 11/20/97_02:41:45 my travel. 11/20/97n02:41:55 Approaching the ramp to get on Interstate 93 11/20/97_02:42:17 northbound, I saw a car behind me, and a second 11/20/97_02:42:28 one coming up quickly behind it. My RADAR 11/20/97_02:42:40 detector was making noise about a K band signal, 11/20/97_02:43:00 so I knew the police were using their RADAR. I 11/20/97_02:43:16 had gotten up almost to 35 miles per hour as I 11/20/97_02:43:27 got to the entrance ramp, but was still traveling 11/20/97w02:43:37 at less than the maximum legal speed. At that 11/20/97_02:44:00 time, I figured the police had clocked the car 11/20/97_02:44:10 behind me going faster than the posted limit, and 11/20/97w02:44:21 were therefore speeding to catch up to it, with 11/20/97_02:44:31 the intent of pulling it over. 11/20/97n02:44:37 In turning onto the ramp onto Interstate 93, I 11/20/97_02:44:54 noticed that the car immediately behind me seemed 11/20/97w02:45:03 to have a light bar on top. In addition, the 11/20/97_02:45:20 arrangement of its headlights and marker lights 11/20/97_02:45:33 led me to believe there was probably a police car 11/20/97w02:45:41 right behind me. 11/20/97n02:45:56 I proceeded down the entrance ramp, allowing the 11/20/97_02:46:06 traffic on Interstate 93 to go by, and pulled in 11/20/97_02:46:19 behind the vehicles that had passed. I looked at 11/20/97w02:46:29 my speedometer, and noticed it read 62 miles per 11/20/97_02:46:45 hour. I was somewhat concerned, since I wasn't 11/20/97_02:46:55 sure whether I was in the 65 mph zone yet or not. 11/20/97w02:47:07 However, since the police car behind me didn't 11/20/97_02:47:20 take any action, I assumed there was no cause for 11/20/97w02:47:36 concern but that I should be appropriately 11/20/97_02:47:52 cautious. 11/20/97n02:47:58 Upon getting to the 65 mph sign, a few hundred 11/20/97_02:48:20 yards north of the entrance ramp, I was following 11/20/97w02:48:37 behind traffic where there was a car in each of 11/20/97_02:48:58 the two travel lanes. Since the car in front of 11/20/97_02:49:16 me seemed to be going a little slower, I put on 11/20/97_02:49:28 my directional signal and moved into the left 11/20/97_02:49:36 lane, where I was able to get up to a speed of 65 11/20/97w02:49:47 miles per hour. 11/20/97n02:50:21 Since there wasn't anything eventful happening on 11/20/97w02:50:40 the highway, I expected the police cars to leave 11/20/97_02:50:54 Interstate 93 when we got to Exit 2. However, 11/20/97_02:51:37 since they did not do so, I decided to set my 11/20/97_02:51:46 cruise control, to insure I did not accidentally 11/20/97_02:52:01 go faster than my current speed of 65 mph. 11/20/97n02:52:30 About the time that I got to the top of the 11/20/97_02:52:48 entrance ramp from Exit 2, the police car behind 11/20/97_02:53:06 me put on its emergency beacons. I pulled into 11/20/97_02:53:17 the right lane to allow them to go by, since I 11/20/97_02:53:26 was obviously not doing anything that gave them 11/20/97_02:53:40 cause to pull me over. Rather than going by, 11/20/97_02:53:53 however, the police car pulled in behind me, and 11/20/97_02:54:05 I think their siren came on. I pulled onto the 11/20/97_02:54:16 right shoulder, and came to a reasonable stop. 11/20/97n02:54:47 Once stopped on the side of the road, I put my 11/20/97_02:55:02 car into park, turned on the interior light, and 11/20/97_02:55:12 ran the window down, expecting the imminent 11/20/97_02:56:05 arrival of the police officer. When that didn't 11/20/97_02:56:18 happen, I turned on the heater fan and adjusted 11/20/97_02:56:44 the heater control to its warmest setting, since 11/20/97_02:56:54 it was quite a cold night out, then ran the 11/20/97_02:57:05 window back up to await the officer's approach. 11/20/97n02:57:20 Presently I noticed the officer's flashlight, 11/20/97_02:57:46 hovering well behind my door post. I then ran 11/20/97_02:57:57 the window down once more. 11/20/97n02:58:38 The police officer, a woman, demanded my license 11/20/97_02:58:50 and registration. I asked her what she wanted it 11/20/97w02:58:59 for. She said she would tell me after I had 11/20/97_02:59:12 given them to her. I advised her that I didn't 11/20/97_02:59:26 believe she had any grounds for asking for them, 11/20/97_02:59:36 and again asked why she wanted them. She told me 11/20/97w02:59:55 that if I didn't produce the documents she was 11/20/97_03:00:04 going to arrest me for disobeying a police 11/20/97_03:00:13 officer. Since she had not provided me with a 11/20/97_03:01:26 lawful reason why I had to produce the documents, 11/20/97w03:01:42 I do not believe it was necessary for me to do 11/20/97_03:01:57 so. Her threat of arrest was also improper, 11/20/97_03:02:33 since it placed me under duress, fearing for my 11/20/97_03:03:28 personal liberty. However, because of the depth 11/20/97_03:04:00 of my beliefs, I told her that I believed she was 11/20/97w03:04:14 exceeding her Constitutional authority, and asked 11/20/97w03:04:28 why I had been stopped. She said something about 11/20/97w03:04:55 weaving and something else that was 11/20/97_03:05:12 unintelligible, so I asked her to repeat what she 11/20/97w03:05:23 had said. 11/20/97n03:05:27 At that point, she asked me to step out of the 11/20/97_03:05:37 car. Since that would place us in a face-to-face 11/20/97w03:05:54 situation, which seemed to be a more workable 11/20/97_03:06:05 arrangement, I agreed to do so. I then noticed 11/20/97_03:06:20 another police officer standing by the right rear 11/20/97w03:06:28 corner of my car. The two of them directed me to 11/20/97w03:06:38 the space behind my car and the front of the 11/20/97_03:06:53 police cruiser, where I moved since it would be 11/20/97_03:07:06 out of the travel lanes: I could see no point in 11/20/97w03:07:35 obstructing traffic with this event. 11/20/97n03:07:56 I again asked the female officer why it was she 11/20/97_03:08:11 had pulled me over. She said I had been weaving, 11/20/97w03:08:25 and that I had crossed the yellow line (at the 11/20/97_03:08:34 left edge of the travel lanes). I personally 11/20/97_03:08:46 know that I did _not_ cross the yellow line - 11/20/97_03:08:58 there was more than enough room to safely travel 11/20/97_03:09:07 within the marked lanes - but I couldn't see any 11/20/97_03:09:35 point in arguing about it with her. 11/20/97n03:09:56 She again asked me for my license and 11/20/97_03:10:07 registration, and again I said she didn't have 11/20/97_03:10:24 any grounds for asking for them. I was then 11/20/97_03:10:44 instructed to place my hands behind my back, 11/20/97_03:10:53 since I was being arrested for disobeying a 11/20/97_03:11:01 police officer. I started to comply, since I 11/20/97_03:11:51 couldn't see any point in resisting two armed 11/20/97_03:12:02 individuals determined to take me into custody, 11/20/97_03:12:17 whether they had grounds or authority, or not. 11/20/97_03:12:31 It occurred to me that I should secure my car, 11/20/97_03:12:42 however, since it was sitting there with the 11/20/97_03:12:49 engine running, the window open, and both the 11/20/97_03:13:04 interior and headlights illuminated. As I turned 11/20/97w03:13:27 to go to the car, I told them I wanted to secure 11/20/97_03:13:40 my car, but they grabbed me, with their handcuffs 11/20/97w03:13:57 in their other hands (I didn't see which one had 11/20/97_03:14:07 the handcuffs, so I can't be sure), and said they 11/20/97w03:14:21 would take care of that. Now, not only was I 11/20/97_03:14:50 being unlawfully taken into custody, but my 11/20/97_03:15:04 property was being left unsecure, and I could no 11/20/97_03:15:44 longer assume responsibility that the car would 11/20/97_03:16:03 not be used to commit a crime. 11/20/97n03:16:21 Once the two officers had me in handcuffs, they 11/20/97_03:16:31 took me to the back seat of the lead patrol car 11/20/97_03:16:43 (the second officer had apparently arrived in his 11/20/97w03:16:52 own vehicle) and had me sit down inside. The 11/20/97_03:17:15 second officer made an attempt to put the seat 11/20/97_03:17:30 belt around my waist, but couldn't find the 11/20/97_03:17:40 receptacle and gave up on the effort. When he 11/20/97_03:17:59 had backed up, I had to change the position of my 11/20/97w03:18:20 arms, since the cuffs were biting uncomfortably 11/20/97_03:18:43 into my skin. The officer told me to relax, even 11/20/97w03:18:58 though I wasn't making any attempt to get away: 11/20/97_03:19:08 I was merely trying to find a position that would 11/20/97w03:19:18 be somewhat comfortable for the duration of my 11/20/97_03:19:41 time in the back seat of the patrol car. 11/20/97n03:19:49 The female officer went around, and got into the 11/20/97_03:20:12 driver's seat of the patrol car. She then pulled 11/20/97w03:20:31 out, crossing the travel lanes to the median 11/20/97_03:21:02 crossing, a few yards ahead, and started south on 11/20/97w03:21:36 Interstate 93. I was looking out the window at 11/20/97_03:21:53 the passing scenery, not taking particular note 11/20/97_03:22:03 of anything, but happened to turn my eyes forward 11/20/97w03:22:23 to the road ahead. At that point, I noticed that 11/20/97w03:22:34 the RADAR unit was still active, and its display 11/20/97_03:22:45 was decreasing from 78 (mph). During the ride to 11/20/97w03:23:06 Exit 1, the officer was driving at an average 11/20/97_03:23:23 speed over 75 miles per hour, CLOCKED BY RADAR. 11/20/97n03:23:53 When the officer turned onto the exit ramp, she 11/20/97_03:24:11 did not slow to a sedate pace, as is customary 11/20/97_03:24:31 for most people, but rather drove around the loop 11/20/97w03:24:46 at a speed of approximately 45 miles per hour. I 11/20/97w03:25:13 didn't make a particular note of the speed we 11/20/97_03:25:23 were traveling after that, going back to the 11/20/97_03:25:33 police station, because I was too busy thinking 11/20/97_03:25:40 about how the police are constantly harassing me 11/20/97_03:26:25 about _my_ speed, yet they have no respect for 11/20/97_03:26:38 the laws they claim to be enforcing. I'm quite 11/20/97_03:26:49 sure, however, that we traveled the length of the 11/20/97w03:26:57 mall access road above the posted speed limit of 11/20/97w03:27:13 35 miles per hour. 11/20/97n03:27:46 At the police station, I was taken into a holding 11/20/97w03:28:01 area where 4 other police officers had already 11/20/97_03:28:13 gathered. The female officer then asked me if I 11/20/97_03:28:35 was going to tell her who I was. I didn't say it 11/20/97w03:28:48 at the time, but up until that point, she had not 11/20/97w03:28:59 asked me, once, who I was - she had just demanded 11/20/97w03:29:12 to see paperwork. I took a business card out of 11/20/97_03:29:23 my pocket and handed it to her, and said I had no 11/20/97w03:29:35 problem telling them who I was. I was then 11/20/97_03:30:05 badgered by the group to provide some 11/20/97_03:30:16 identification with a picture, being told, among 11/20/97_03:30:30 other things, that they weren't going to let me 11/20/97_03:30:37 leave until I did. Since I had a license 11/20/97_03:31:01 document in my walette, and it is the only thing 11/20/97_03:31:14 I could readily think of that *does* have a 11/20/97_03:31:24 picture on it, I took it out and gave it to them, 11/20/97w03:31:44 against my better judgement, merely for the 11/20/97_03:32:01 purpose of identifying myself. 11/20/97n03:32:23 Once she had the license document in her hand, 11/20/97_03:32:59 the officer that had brought me in started 11/20/97_03:33:11 filling out the paperwork for booking me. Among 11/20/97_03:33:31 other questions, she wanted to know my Social 11/20/97_03:33:43 Security number, but did not give a reason for 11/20/97_03:33:54 asking for it, or state whether it was voluntary 11/20/97_03:34:05 or mandatory. I told her it was on my license, 11/20/97_03:35:12 but she still insisted that I repeat it from 11/20/97_03:35:22 memory, and recorded my answer on her papers. 11/20/97_03:35:39 She also asked for my mother's maiden name, and 11/20/97_03:35:49 when I challenged her, asking why she wanted to 11/20/97_03:36:01 know, one of the other officers said it's part of 11/20/97w03:36:13 the paperwork. We eventually settled on my 11/20/97_03:36:34 response that I didn't recall the answer, since I 11/20/97w03:36:48 don't think that's anything they have a right or 11/20/97_03:36:58 need to ask. 11/20/97r03:37:42 After being photographed for their records, I was 11/20/97w03:38:00 told I had to sign the fingerprint cards they 11/20/97_03:38:15 were going to be using. I asked what would 11/20/97_03:38:26 happen if I _didn't_ sign the cards, since it 11/20/97_03:38:38 seemed to me they needed my voluntary cooperation 11/20/97w03:38:49 to fill out their paperwork - which I didn't feel 11/20/97w03:39:04 they had any business filling in the first place. 11/20/97w03:39:14 I was told I'd have to sign the cards, or I would 11/20/97w03:39:31 not be allowed to leave. I read the front and 11/20/97_03:39:46 back of all of the cards I was asked to sign, and 11/20/97w03:39:57 since I didn't see anything that appeared to be a 11/20/97w03:40:11 violation of my rights, other than the fact they 11/20/97_03:40:20 were not filled out before I had signed them, I 11/20/97_03:40:32 did sign the cards, once again under duress. 11/20/97n03:41:03 Once the booking procedure had been completed, 11/20/97_03:41:14 one of the police officers got into a discussion 11/20/97_03:41:26 with me about whether they have a right to ask 11/20/97_03:41:37 for a license or not. His position is that once 11/20/97_03:41:48 a person has been stopped for a traffic 11/20/97_03:42:00 infraction, they have a legal right. He also 11/20/97_03:42:14 pointed out that, since the document is owned by 11/20/97_03:42:25 the state, the state can ask for it any time they 11/20/97w03:42:34 want to, an argument I actually have no problem 11/20/97_03:42:47 with. I tried to point out that the definition 11/20/97_03:42:59 of "driving" includes the words "for hire," but 11/20/97_03:43:15 he didn't accept the idea, and said that had 11/20/97_03:43:25 changed 50 years ago. Since I have not actually 11/20/97_03:43:34 looked into the law books or Blacks' Legal 11/20/97_03:43:47 Dictionary, the authority that has been quoted to 11/20/97w03:43:56 me, I cannot say for certain whether his position 11/20/97w03:44:07 or mine is the correct one. However, I have been 11/20/97w03:44:17 operating, in good faith, on information supplied 11/20/97w03:44:27 to me, and do not believe I was in violation of 11/20/97_03:44:41 any laws at the time I was stopped. 11/20/97n03:45:20 With their booking procedure complete, I was 11/20/97_03:45:31 afforded ample time and access to a telephone to 11/20/97_03:45:42 try and make arrangements for someone to come and 11/20/97w03:45:50 get me. I tried calling Ed Burie, but the phone 11/20/97_03:46:00 at his house was busy, so I left a message on his 11/20/97w03:46:15 pager. I also tried calling his cell phone, but 11/20/97_03:46:26 there was no response. The officers wanted to 11/20/97_03:46:39 know if there was anyone else I could call, since 11/20/97w03:46:50 they would have to put me into a cell if no one 11/20/97_03:47:00 was on the way to get me. After thinking about 11/20/97_03:47:20 who I could call, I finally decided to try 11/20/97_03:47:29 calling Applebee's and see if Jack was still 11/20/97_03:47:40 there. He was, and agreed to come get me, saying 11/20/97w03:47:49 he would be there in 15 minutes. I was then 11/20/97_03:48:15 escorted to the conference room in the Chief of 11/20/97_03:48:26 Police' office to wait for the bail commissioner 11/20/97_03:48:39 and my ride. 11/20/97n03:49:09 Even after I'd told the bail commissioner that I 11/20/97_03:49:29 have been living in the same place for 3 1/2 years, 11/20/97_03:49:44 and working for myself for five, she still wanted 11/20/97w03:49:57 to know previous addresses and employment. I 11/20/97_03:50:14 told her my resume would go on for pages, since I 11/20/97w03:50:27 do contract computer programming, but gave her 11/20/97_03:50:39 short enough answers to fill the paperwork. I 11/20/97_03:51:28 signed a statement that the answers I had 11/20/97_03:51:38 supplied were true, and a form saying I will be 11/20/97_03:51:47 in court on December 17, and was released to the 11/20/97_03:51:58 custody of my friends. 11/20/97n03:52:05 We had started to leave when Ed asked where my 11/20/97_03:52:17 car was. I went back in the police station, and 11/20/97_03:52:29 was given the phone number of the towing company. 11/20/97w03:52:39 They told me I would have to call first, since 11/20/97_03:52:48 there is no one there, and I'd have to have a 11/20/97_03:52:57 driver with me, since my license has been 11/20/97_03:53:06 suspended, to get the car. 11/20/97n03:53:22 Ed gave me a ride home, and I decided to sit down 11/20/97w03:53:34 and write this account while the events were 11/20/97_03:53:49 still fresh in my mind. I wasn't planning on 11/20/97_03:54:06 writing such an extensive piece when I first sat 11/20/97_03:54:16 down, but as I thought about it, and the words 11/20/97_03:54:28 flowed, it occurred to me that having notes taken 11/20/97w03:54:37 more or less at the scene of the crime would be 11/20/97_03:54:46 my best evidence when these matters go to court. 11/20/97w03:55:05 I therefore wrote all of these lines, for the 11/20/97_03:55:18 record. 11/20/97i04:18:57 There are a couple of things I have to add to 11/20/97_04:19:10 this account, things I thought of while writing, 11/20/97_04:19:21 along the way, or since: 11/20/97n04:19:31 Ed tells me that the local police do not have 11/20/97_04:19:48 jurisdiction on state highways, even when said 11/20/97_04:20:02 state highways pass through areas that are 11/20/97_04:20:18 otherwise under their jurisdiction. If that is 11/20/97_04:20:30 true, then the officer didn't have any 11/20/97_04:20:45 jurisdiction at the time I was pulled over. Even 11/20/97w04:20:59 if she claims she was in pursuit, because of any 11/20/97_04:21:16 alleged offenses committed _within_ her 11/20/97_04:21:34 jurisdiction, that argument cannot hold, since 11/20/97_04:21:45 she would have had to have her emergency beacons 11/20/97_04:21:54 operating while she was in pursuit, which was 11/20/97_04:22:04 definitely _not_ the case when we entered the 11/20/97_04:22:20 traffic on Interstate 93. 11/20/97n04:22:26 Writing that brings to mind another point: The 11/20/97_04:22:40 officer turned _off_ her beacons while traveling 11/20/97_04:22:54 south on Interstate 93, at speeds in excess of 11/20/97_04:23:06 the posted limit, so that she had no cloak of 11/20/97_04:23:33 office, real or imagined, to travel under while 11/20/97_04:23:45 violating the law. 11/20/97n04:23:49 I have not received any ticket, summons, citation 11/20/97w04:24:05 or notice to appear related to any of the charges 11/20/97w04:24:15 that are allegedly being brought against me. 11/20/97_04:24:24 Indeed, the only documentation I have of what the 11/20/97w04:24:33 charges are is the "Bond In Criminal Case" form I 11/20/97w04:24:49 received from the bail commissioner, stating the 11/20/97_04:25:00 offenses charged are "Disobeying P/O, Oper after 11/20/97_04:25:26 Susp. + Resisting Arrest" - disobeying a police 11/20/97_04:25:49 officer, operating after suspension, and 11/20/97_04:26:00 resisting arrest. 11/20/97n04:26:14 What law gives the police officer the right to 11/20/97_04:26:26 issue an order that I have to obey, which made it 11/20/97w04:26:36 allegedly possible for her to arrest me in the 11/20/97_04:26:50 first case? If she had no legal grounds to issue 11/20/97w04:27:15 an order, as I believe, how could she have found 11/20/97_04:27:31 out whether I was allegedly operating after 11/20/97_04:27:42 suspension? If she had no legal grounds to 11/20/97_04:28:02 arrest me, since she didn't have the authority to 11/20/97w04:28:10 issue an order that I didn't obey, how could I 11/20/97_04:28:20 have been charged with resisting arrest, when no 11/20/97_04:28:32 lawful arrest was being made? 11/20/97n04:28:42 I believe I have ample grounds for filing charges 11/20/97w04:28:52 of harassment against the Salem police department 11/20/97w04:29:06 in general, and the officers involved in 11/20/97_04:29:16 particular, since they were obviously lying in 11/20/97_04:29:30 wait for me to go by: Ed told me he had gone 11/20/97_04:29:42 through their RADAR trap a few moments earlier, 11/20/97_04:29:55 on _his_ way home, at a speed of at least 45 mph, 11/20/97w04:30:09 and they had done nothing about it. 11/20/97n04:30:26 I also believe I have grounds for a civil suit to 11/20/97w04:30:44 recover damages, real, perceived, and punitive, 11/20/97_04:30:55 for this false arrest, and the consequences it is 11/20/97w04:31:08 going to lead to - among others, additional 11/20/97_04:31:24 expense at retrieving my car from the tow yard, 11/20/97_04:31:36 and transporting myself until such time as I'm 11/20/97_04:31:59 able to get these matters resolved.
Fred Koschara's Time Log for November 20, 1997 (excerpt) /
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