As explained on this site's Home page,, and the battles behind it, are currently things I have undertaken on my own without the support (financial, legal, or participatory) of anyone else. Not only would I like to see that change, but it has to, or my efforts will be in vain: I cannot do this alone, folks! This project has to grow into a substantial grass-roots driven political action organization if is to succeed. That growth can only happen if three things occur:

  1. I have to make enough money to be able to spend my time furthering the effort;
  2. There have to be funds available to support the growth of an organization;
  3. Other people have to contribute time, effort, resources, and risk into the project. Some of these contributions will also require working funds to be effective.

Signing up to contribute time, etc., is done on another page on this site. Please feel free to select What can I do today? from the menu at the left of your screen for more information.

Please use the buttons on this page to make a donation if you would like to contribute to the financial of support this project. You can donate any amount you wish to and can afford: All contributions are sincerely appreciated!

The buttons on this page enable you to make a donation through PayPal, using your credit/debit card or an electronic check. If you don't already have a PayPal account, you can quickly and easily set one up, for free, during this process.

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If you would rather make a donation by (physical) check or money order, please make it out to "Stop Highway Robbery" and mail it to:

  Stop Highway Robbery
c/o Political Action Committee
518 N 24th Ave.
Hollywood, FL 33020 USA

Stop Highway Robbery has not yet been established as a non-profit organization, so donations are not currently tax deductible. However, once the necessary paperwork has been completed and non-profit status has been achieved, donors will receive the documentation to support their tax deductible contributions.

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Make a Donation / Webmaster / Last modified July 20, 2014 @ 8:44 pm
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Fighting City Hall

What can I do today?

Point and Counterpoint

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A project of
USA Political Action