To date, this battle to fight for the right to travel unhindered on the public
roads, in the peaceful conduct of my own affairs, has cost me a great many
things. That list includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- a $70,000 programming contract position I lost when jailed on April 14,
2000, which I had started on April 10;
- destruction of the fledgling businesses I had spent five years
building in Londonderry (see Catastrophic System Failure and Restart, for example), including a merchant credit account, long-established
telephone numbers (both local and toll-free), and a Web server I had
spent countless hours configuring and administering;
- $40,000 of payments I had made on my 1995 Pontiac Trans Am which was
repossessed by a court order made on August 25, 2000, while I was
incarcerated and unable to obtain the services of a lawyer to
represent my interests, after GMAC refused my payments made in good
faith prior to my incarceration, and after GMAC refused the payments
my parents made in my name while I was in jail;
- approximately $300,000 worth of property illegally removed from my
home in Londonderry on August 1, 2000 by Ed Burie, an alleged friend
who I had given access to my home so that he could insure its upkeep
so I would have a place to return when I was released from jail. Mr.
Burie disturbed the relations with the landlord to the point my lease
could not be renewed, and when my parents told him they were coming to
put my things in storage, he cleaned the house out before they got
there. The story he told me was he did it so I would have a place to
stay when I was released, which I took him up on when I got out on
bail pending appeal on September 8, 2000, and when I got out on bail
pending appeal on February 23, 2001. After he and his girlfriend
threw me out without notice, while I was paying rent, on April 19,
2001, the Londonderry police told me that since I had stayed in Mr.
Burie's house in Manchester, I had to work with the Manchester police
to recover my property. The Manchester police said that since the
unlawful removal of property had occurred in Londonderry, I had to
seek their assistance. To date, I have been unable to obtain
any help toward recovering either my property or restitution for the
damages I suffered.
- 147 calendar days of incarceration, from April 14, 2000 when I was
originally jailed, through September 8, 2000, when I was first
released on bail pending appeal;
- an $80,000 programming contract position I lost when jailed on
December 14, 2000, which I had started the day before, on
December 13, after Judge Arthur Brennan had reduced my felony
conviction to a misdemeanor on December 6, eliminating the mandatory
minimum sentence, and my lawyer advising me I would probably be
sentenced to "time served" and let go;
- 71 calendar days of incarceration, from December 14, 2000 when I was
sent back to jail, through February 23, 2001, when I was again
released on bail pending appeal;
- nearly two years of "bail supervision" which amounted to a very
restrictive term of probation, except that, even if I obeyed all of
the rules, there was no guarantee I would be released at the end of
the term;
- two and a half years of being unable to find suitable employment, in
addition to the time I lost directly to jail, resulting not only from
the poor economy, but also from questions of whether I would be sent
back to jail, losing a third programming contract to such an
event, which would have permanently destroyed my professional
- irreparable harm to my credit rating and reputation, consequences of
my inability to find gainful employment, or to re-establish my
previous business enterprises.
My losses, to date, are well in excess of half a million dollars - and
continue to grow every day I cannot find a meaningful job.
I have more to say about these matters, and may add to the above list, as I
have time available.
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Freedom's Cost, to Fred Koschara /
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Last modified June 24, 2014 @ 10:41 am
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