From Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Copyright © 1988 by Merriam-Webster, Inc., Springfield, Massachusetts USA
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ab-ro-gate vt -gat-ed; -gat-ing [L abrogatus, pp. of abrogare, fr. ab- + rogare to ask, propose a law -- more at RIGHT] (15c) 1 : to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL 2 : to do away with syn see NULLIFY -- ab-ro-ga-tion n
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2arm vb [ME armen, fr. OF armer, fr. L armare, fr. arma weapons, tools] vt (13c) 1 : to furnish or equip with weapons 2 : to furnish with something that strengthens or protects 3 : to fortify morally 4 : to equip or ready for action or operation <~ a bomb> syn see FURNISH -- armed adj ~ vi : to prepare oneself for struggle or resistance
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au-thor-i-ty n, pl -ties [ME auctorite, fr. OF auctorité, fr. L auctoritat-, auctoritas opinion, decision, power, fr. auctor] (13c) 1 : a : 1 : a citation (as from a book or file) used in defense or support 2 : the source from which the citation is drawn b : 1 : a conclusive statement or set of statements (as an official decision of a court) 2 : a decision taken as a precedent 3 : TESTIMONY c : an individual cited or appealed to as an expert 2 : a : power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior b : freedom granted by one in authority : RIGHT 3 : a : persons in command; specif : GOVERNMENT b : a governmental agency or corporation to administer a revenue-producing public enterprise <the transit ~> 4 : a : GROUNDS, WARRANT <had excellent ~ for his strange actions> b : convincing force : WEIGHT <his strong tenor lent ~ to the performance> syn see INFLUENCE, POWER
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com-pe-tent adj [ME, suitable, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L competent-, competens, fr. prp. of competere] (14c) 1 : having requisite or adequate ability or qualities : FIT <a ~ workman> <a ~ piece of work> 2 : proper or rightly pertinent 3 : legally qualified or adequate <a ~ witness> 4 : having the capacity or function to develop in a particular way; specif: having the capacity to respond (as by producing an antibody) to an antigenic determinant <immunolgically ~ cells> syn see SUFFICIENT -- com-pe-tent-ly adv
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con-spir-a-cy n, pl -cies [ME conspiracie, fr. L conspiratus, pp. of conspirare] (14c) 1 : the act of conspiring together 2 : a : an agreement among conspirators b : a group of conspirators syn see PLOT
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con-spire vb -spir-ing; -spired [ME conspiren, fr. MF conspirer, fr. L conspirare to breathe together, agree, conspire, fr. com- + spirare to breathe -- more at SPIRIT] (14c) ~ vi 1 : a : to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end b : SCHEME 2 : to act in harmony toward a common end <circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts> -- ~ vi
~ vt (14c) : PLOT, CONTRIVE
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crime n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L crimen accusation, fault, crime] (14c) 1 : an act or the commision of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law; esp : a gross violation of law 2 : a grave offense esp. against morality 3 : criminal activity <efforts to fight ~> 4 : something reprehensible, foolish, or disgraceful <it's a ~ to waste good food> syn see OFFENSE
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def-a-ma-tion n (14c) : the act of defaming another : CALUMNY -- de-fam-a-to-ry adj
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de-fame vt -fam-ing; -famed [ME diffamen, defamen, fr. MF & L; ME diffamen fr. MF diffamer, fr. L diffamare, fr. dis- + fama fame; ME defamen fr. MF defamer, fr. ML defamare, fr. L de- + fama] (14c) 1 : archaic : DISGRACE 2 : to harm the reputation of by libel or slander 3 : archaic : ACCUSE syn see MALIGN -- de-fam-er n
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fel-o-ny n, pl -nies (13c) 1 : an act on the part of a fuedal vassal involving the forfeiture of his fee 2 : a : a grave crime formerly differing from a misdemeanor under English common law by involving forfeiture in addition to any other punishment b : a grave crime declared to be a felony by the common law or statute regardless of the punishment actually imposed c : a crime declared a felony because of the punishment imposed d : a crime for which the punishment under federal law may be death or imprisonment for more than one year
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for-fei-ture n (14c) 1 : the act of forfeiting : the loss of property or money because of a breach of a legal obligation 2 : something (as money or property) that is forfeited : PENALTY
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fraud n [ME fraude, fr. MF, fr. L fraud-, fraus akin to Skt dhvarati he bends, injures] (14c) 1 : a : DECEIT, TRICKERY; specif : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : TRICK 2 : a : one who is not what he pretends to be : IMPOSTOR; also : one who defrauds : CHEAT b : one that is not what it seems or is represented to be syn see DECEPTION, IMPOSTURE
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4grave adj -er; -est [MF, fr. L gravis heavy, grave -- more at GRIEVE] (1539) 1 : a : obs : AUTHORITATIVE, WEIGHTY b : meriting serious consideration : IMPORTANT <~ problems> c : likely to produce great harm or danger <a ~ mistake> d : significantly serious : CONSIDERABLE, GREAT <~ importance> 2 : having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor <a ~ and thoughtful look> 3 : drab in color : SOMBER 4 : low-pitched in sound 5 : a : of an accent mark : having the form ` b : marked with a grave accent c : of the variety indicated by a grave accent syn see SERIOUS -- grave-ly adv -- grave-ness n
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high-way n (bef. 12c) : a public way; esp : a main direct road
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high-way rob-ber-y n (1778) 1 : robbery committed on or near a public highway usu. against travelers 2 : excessive profit or advantage derived from a business transaction
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im-par-tial adj (1587) : not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally syn see FAIR -- im-par-tial-i-ty n -- im-par-tial-ly adv
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in-alien-able adj [prob. fr. F inaliénable, fr. in- + aliénable alienable] (1645) : incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred <~ rights> -- in-alien-abil-i-ty n -- in-alien-ably adv
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1in-di-vid-u-al adj [ML individualis, fr. L individuus indivisible, fr. in- + dividuus divided, fr. dividere to divide] (15c) 1 : obs : INSEPARABLE 2 : a : of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an individual <an ~ effort> b : being an individual or existing as an indivisible whole c : intended for one person <an ~ serving> 3 : existing as a distinct entity : SEPARATE 4 : having marked individuality <an ~ style> syn see SPECIAL CHARACTERISTIC -- in-di-vid-u-al-ly adv
2in-di-vid-u-al n (1605) 1 : a : a particular being or thing as distinguished from a class, species, or collection; as 1 : a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution <a teacher who works with ~s> 2 : a single organism as distinguished from a group b : a particular person <are you the ~ I spoke with on the telephone?> 2 : an indivisible entity 3 : the reference of a name or variable of the lowest logical type in a calculus
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2just adj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF juste, fr. L justus, fr. jus right, law; akin to Skt yos welfare] (14c) 1 : a : having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason : REASONABLE <a ~ but not a generous decision> b : archaic : faithful to an original c : conforming to a standard of correctness : PROPER <~ proportions> 2 : a : 1 : acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good : RIGHTEOUS <a ~ war> 2 : being what is merited : DESERVED <a ~ punishment> b : legally correct : LAWFUL <~ title to an estate> syn see FAIR, UPRIGHT -- just-ly adv -- just-ness n
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jus-tice n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L justitia, fr. justus] (12c) 1 : a : the maintenance or administration of what is just esp. by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments b : JUDGE c : the administration of law; esp : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity 2 : a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b : 1 : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action 2 : conformity to this principle or ideal : RIGHTEOUSNESS c : the quality of conforming to law 3 : conformity to truth, fact or reason : CORRECTNESS -- do justice 1 a : to act justly b : to treat frirly or adequately c : to show due appreciation for 2 : to acquit in a way worthy of one's powers
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1law n [ME, fr. OE lagu, of Scand origin; akin to ON log law; akin to OE licgan to lie -- more at LIE] (bef. 12c) 1 : a : 1 : a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority 2 : the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules 3 : COMMON LAW b : 1 : the control brought about by the existence or enforcement of such law 2 : the action of laws considered as a means of redressing wrongs; also : LITIGATION 3 : the agency of or an agent of established law c : a rule or order that is advisable or obligatory to observe d : something compatible with or enforceable by established law e : CONTROL, AUTHORITY 2 : a : often cap : the revelation of the will of God set forth in the Old Testament b : cap : the first part of the Jewish scriptures : PENTATEUCH -- see BIBLE table 3 : a rule of construction or procedure <the ~s of poetry> 4 : the whole body of laws relating to one subject 5 : a : the legal profession b : law as a department of knowledge : JURISPRUDENCE c : legal knowledge 6 : a : a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far as is known is invariable under the given conditions b : a general relation proved or assumed to hold between mathematical or logical expressions syn LAW, RULE, REGULATION, PRECEPT, STATUTE, ORDINANCE, CANON mean a principle governing action or procedure. LAW implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority; RULE applies more to restricted or specific situations; REGULATION implies prescription by authority in order to control an organization or system; PRECEPT commonly suggests something advisory and not obligatory communicated typically through teaching; STATUTE implies a law enacted by a legislative body; ORDINANCE applies to an order governing some detail of procedure or conduct enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality; CANON suggests in nonreligious use a principle or rule of behavior or procedure commonly accepted as a valid guide. syn see in addition HYPOTHESIS -- at law : under or within the provisions of the law <enforceable at law>
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law-ful adj (14c) 1 : a : being in harmony with the law <a ~ judgement> b : constituted, authorized, or established by law : RIGHTFUL <~ institutions> 2 : LAW-ABIDING <~ citizens> syn LAWFUL, LEGAL, LEGITIMATE, LICIT mean being in accordance with law. LAWFUL may apply to conformity with law of any sort (as natural, divine, common, or canon) <William desired to reign not as a conqueror but as a lawful king -- J. R.Green> LEGAL applies to what is sanctioned by law or in conformity with the law, esp. as it is written or adminstered by the courts <legal residents of the state> LEGITIMATE may apply to a legal right or status but also, in extended use, to a right or status supported by tradition, custom, or accepted standards <language is a legitimate part of the subject matter or content of English -- A. H. Marckwardt> LICIT applies to a strict conformity to the provisions of the law and applies esp. to what is regulated by law <regulatory matters having to do with licit commerce in narcotic drugs -- Security World> -- law-ful-ly adv -- law-ful-ness n
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li-a-ble adj [(assumed) AF fr. OF lier to bind, fr. L ligare -- more at LIGATURE] (15c) 1 : a : obligated according to law or equity : RESPONSIBLE b : subject to appropriation or attachment 2 : a : being in a position to incur -- used with to <~ to diseases> b : exposed or subject to some usu. adverse contingency or action <watch out or you're ~ to fall> syn LIABLE, OPEN, EXPOSED, SUBJECT, PRONE, SUSCEPTIBLE, SENSITIVE mean being by nature or through circumstances likely to experience something adverse. LIABLE implies a possibility or probability of incurring something because of position, nature, or particular situation; OPEN stresses a lack of barriers preventing incurrence; EXPOSED suggests lack of protection or powers of resistance against something actually present or threatening; SUBJECT implies an openness for any reason to something that must be suffered or undergone; PRONE stresses natural tendency or propensity to incur something; SUSCEPTIBLE implies conditions existing in one's nature or individual constitution that make incurrence probable; SENSITIVE implies a readiness to respond to or be influenced by forces or stimuli. syn see in addition RESPONSIBLE usage Both liable and apt when followed by an infinitive are used nearly interchangeably with likely. Although conflicting advice has been given over the years, most current commentators accept apt when so used. They generally recommend limiting liable to situations having an undesirable outcome, and our evidence shows that in edited writing it is more often so used than not.
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1li-bel n [ME, written declaration, fr. MF, fr. L libellus dim. of liber book -- more at LEAF] (14c) 1 : a : archaic : a handbill esp. attacking or defaming someone b : a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth his cause of action or the relief he seeks 2 : a : a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b : 1 : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt 2 : defamation of a person by written or representational means 3 : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures 4 : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel
2li-bel vb -bel-ing or -bel-ling vi; -beled or -belled (1570) : to make libelous statements ~ vt : to make or publish a libel against -- li-bel-er n -- li-bel-ist n
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li-cense or li-cence n [ME, fr. MF licence, fr. L licentia, fr. licent-, licens, prp. of licere to be permitted; akin to Latvian ligt to come to terms] (14c) 1 : a : permission to act b : freedom of action 2 : a : a permission granted by competent authority to engage in a business or occupation or in an activity otherwise unlawful b : a document, plate, or tag evidencing a license granted 3 : a : freedom that allows or is used with irresponsibility b : disregard for rules of personal conduct : LICENTIOUSNESS 4 : deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained syn see FREEDOM
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log-ic n [ME logik, fr. MF logique, fr. L logica, fr. Gk logike, fr. fem of logikos of reason, fr. logos reason -- more at LEGEND] (12c) 1 : a : 1 : a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning 2 : a branch or variety of logic <modal ~> <Boolean ~> 3 : a branch of semiotic, esp : SYNTACTICS 4 : the formal principles of a branch of knowledge b : 1 : a particular mode of reasoning viewed as valid or faulty 2 : RELEVANCE, PROPRIETY c : interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable d : the arrangement of circuit elements (as in a computer) needed for computation; also : the circuits themselves 2 : something that forces a decision apart from or in opposition to reason <the ~ of war> -- lo-gi-cian n
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mis-de-mean-or n (15c) 1 : a crime less serious than a felony 2 : MISDEED
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mo-ral-i-ty n, pl -ties (14c) 1 : a : a moral discourse, statement, or lesson b : a literary or other imaginative work teaching a moral lesson 2 : a : a doctrine or system of moral conduct b : pl : particular moral principles or rules of conduct 3 : conformity to ideals of right human conduct 4 : moral conduct : VIRTUE
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1ob-jec-tive adj (1620) 1 : a : relating to or existing as an object of thought without consideration of independent existence -- used chiefly in medieval philosophy b : of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind -- compare SUBJECTIVE 3b <~ reality> <our reveries ... are significantly and repeatedly shaped by our transactions with the ~ world -- Marvin Reznikoff> c : of a symptom of disease : perceptible to persons other than the affected individual -- compare SUBJECTIVE 4c d : involving or deriving from sense perception or experience with actual objects, conditions, or phenomena <~ awareness> <~ data> 2 : relating to, characteristic of, or constituting the case of words that follow prepositions or transitive verbs 3 : a : expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations <~ art> <an ~ history of war> <an ~ judgement> b : of a test : limited to choices of fixed alternatives and reducing subjective factors to a minimum syn see MATERIAL, FAIR -- ob-jec-tiv-i-ty n -- ob-jec-tive-ly adv -- ob-jec-tive-ness n
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of-fense or of-fence n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L offensa,
fr. offensus, pp. of offendre] (14c) 1 : a : obs : an act of stumbling b : archaic : a cause or occasion of sin : STUMBLING BLOCK 2 : something that outrages the moral or physical senses <corruption in high places that was an ~ to the public conscience> 3 : a : the act of attacking : ASSAULT b : the means or method of attacking or of attempting to score c : the offensive team or members of a team playing offensive positions d : scoring ability 4 : a : the act or displeasing or affronting b : the state of being insulted or morally outraged <he takes ~ at the slightest criticism> 5 : a : a breach of a moral or social code : SIN, MISDEED b : an infraction of the law; esp : MISDEMEANOR syn OFFENSE, RESENTMENT, UMBRAGE, PIQUE, DUDGEON, HUFF
mean an emotional response to a slight or indignity.
OFFENSE implies hurt displeasure; RESENTMENT
suggests a longer lasting indignation or smoldering ill will; UMBRAGE implies a feeling of being snubbed or ignored;
PIQUE applies to a transient feeling of wounded
vanity; DUDGEON suggests an angry fit of
indignation; HUFF implies a peevish short-lived
spell of anger usu. at a petty cause.
mean a transgression of law. OFFENSE applies to the
infraction of any law, rule or code; SIN implies an
offense against the moral law; VICE applies to a
habit or practice that corrupts; CRIME implies a
serious offense punishable by the law of the state; SCANDAL
applies to an offense that outrages the public conscience. -- of-fense-less adj
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1pub-lic adj [ME publique, fr. MF, fr. L publicus, prob. alter. of poplicus, fr. populus the people] (15c) 1 : a : of, relating to, or affecting all the people of the whole area or a nation or state <~ law> b : of or relating to a government c : of, relating to, or being in the service of the community or nation <an eminent figure in ~ life> <~ affairs> 2 : a : of or relating to the people in general : UNIVERSAL b : GENERAL, POPULAR 3 : of or relating to business or community interests as opposed to private affairs : SOCIAL 4 : devoted to the general or national welfare : HUMANITARIAN 5 : a : accessible to or shared by all members of the community b : capitalized in shares that can be freely traded on the open market -- compare CLOSE CORPORATION <a ~ company> 6 : a : exposed to the general view : OPEN b : WELL-KNOWN, PROMINENT c : PERCEPTIBLE, MATERIAL -- pub-lic-ness n
2pub-lic n (15c) 1 : a place accessible or visible to the public -- usu. used in the phrase in public 2 : the people as a whole : POPULACE 3 : a group of people having common interests or characteristics; specif : the group at which a particular activity or enterprise aims
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public law n (1773) 1 : a legislative enactment affecting the public at large 2 : a branch of law concerned with regulating the relations of individuals with the government and the organization and conduct of the government itself -- compare at PRIVATE LAW
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public servant n (1676) : a government official or employee
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1rea-son n [ME reasoun, fr. OF raison , fr. L ration-, ratio reason, computation; akin to Goth rathjo account, advice, L ren to calculate, think, Gk arariskein to fit -- more at ARM] (13c) 1 : a : a statement offered in explanation or justification <gave ~s that were quite satisfactory> b : a rational ground or motive <a good ~ to act soon> c : a sufficient ground or explanation or logical defense; esp something (as at a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explains a fact <outlined the ~s behind his client's action> d : the thing that makes some fact intelligible : CAUSE <wanted to know the ~ for earthquakes> 2 : a : 1 : the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking esp. in orderly rational ways : INTELLIGENCE 2 : proper exercise of the mind 3 : SANITY b : the sum of the intellectual powers 3 : archaic : treatment that affords satisfaction syn see CAUSE -- in reason : RIGHTLY, JUSTIFIABLY -- within reason : within reasonable limits -- with reason : with good cause
2rea-son vb -son-ing vi; -soned (14c) 1 : a : obs : to take part in conversation, discussion, or argument b : to talk with another so as to influence his actions or opinions <can't ~ with her> 2 : to use the faculty of reason so as to arrive at conclusions syn see THINK -- rea-son-er n
~ vt 1 : archaic : to justify or support with reasons 2 : to persuade or influence by the use of reason 3 : to discover, formulate, or conclude by the use of reason <a carefully ~ed analysis>
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rea-son-able adj (14c) 1 : a : not conflicting with reason <a ~ theory> b : not extreme or excessive <~ requests> c : MODERATE, FAIR <a ~ chance> <a ~ price> d : INEXPENSIVE 2 : a : having the faculty of reason b : possessing sound judgement -- rea-son-abil-i-ty n -- rea-son-able-ness n -- rea-son-ably adv
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re-spon-si-bil-i-ty n, pl -ties (1787) 1 : the quality or state of being responsible: as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : RELIABILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS 2 : something for which one is responsible : BURDEN
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re-spon-si-ble adj (1643) 1 : a : liable to be called on to answer b : 1 : liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent <a committee ~ for the job> 2 : being the cause or explanation <mechanical defects were ~ for the accident> c : liable to legal review or in case of fault to penalties 2 : a : able to answer for one's conduct and obligations : TRUSTWORTHY b : able to choose for oneself between right and wrong 3 : marked by or involving responsibility or accountability <~ financial policies> <a ~ job> 4 : politically answerable; esp : required to submit to the electorate if defeated by the legislature -- used esp. of the British cabinet syn RESPONSIBLE, ANSWERABLE, ACCOUNTABLE, AMENABLE, LIABLE mean subject to being held to account. RESPONSIBLE implies holding a specific office, duty, or trust; ANSWERABLE suggests a relation between one having a moral or legal obligation and a court or other authority charged with oversight of its observance; ACCOUNTABLE suggests imminence of retribution for unfulfilled trust or violated obligation; AMENABLE and LIABLE stress the fact of subjection to review, censure, or control by a designated authority under certain conditions. -- re-spon-si-ble-ness n -- re-spon-si-bly adv
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1right adj [ME, fr. OE riht; akin to OHG reht right, L rectus straight, right, regere to lead straight, direct, rule, rogare to ask, Gk oregin to stretch out] (bef. 12c) 1 : RIGHTEOUS, UPRIGHT 2 : being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper <~ conduct> 3 : a : agreeable to a standard b : conforming to facts or truth : CORRECT <the ~ answer> 4 : SUITABLE, APPROPRIATE <the ~ man for the job> 5 : STRAIGHT <a ~ line> 6 : GENUINE, REAL 7 : a : of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body which is away from the heart and on which the hand is stronger in most people b : located nearer to the right hand than to the left c : located on the right of an observer facing the object specified or directed as his right arm would point when raised out to the side d : 1 : located on the right of an observer facing in the same direction as the object specified <stage ~> 2 : located on the right when facing downstream <the ~ bank of a river> 8 : having an axis perpendicular to the base <~ cone> 9 : of, relating to, or constituting the principal or more prominent side of an object <made sure his socks were ~ side out> 10 : acting or judging in accordance with truth or fact <time proved him ~> 11 : a : being in good physical or mental health or order <not in his ~ mind> b : being in a correct or proper state <put things ~> 12 : most favorable or desired : PREFERABLE; also : socially acceptable <knew all the ~ people> 13 : often cap : of, adhering to, or constituted by the Right esp. in politics syn see CORRECT -- right-ness n
2right n [ME, fr. OE riht, fr. riht adj.] (bef. 12c) 1 : qualities (as adherence to duty or obedience to lawful authority) that together constitute the ideal moral propriety or merit moral approval 2 : something to which one has a just claim: as a : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled b : 1 : the interest that one has in a piece of property -- often used in pl. <mineral ~s> 2 : pl : the property interests passed under law or custom and agreement in an intangible thing esp. of a literary or artistic nature <film ~s of the novel> 3 : something that one may properly claim as due 4 : the cause of truth or justice 5 : a : the right hand; also : a blow struck with this hand <gave him a hard ~ on the jaw> b : the location or direction of the right side <woods on his ~> c : the part on the right side 6 : a : the true account or correct interpretation b : the quality or state of being factually correct 7 : often cap a : the part of a legislative chamber located to the right of the presiding officer b : the members of a continental European legislative body occupying the right as a result of holding more conservative political views than other members 8 : a : 1 : cap : individuals sometimes professing opposition to change in the established order and favoring traditional attitudes and practices and sometimes advocating the forced establishment of an authoritarian political order 2 : a group or party in another organization that favors conservative, traditional, or sometimes authoritarian attitudes and policies b : often cap : a conservative position 9 : a : a privilege given stockholders to subscribe pro rata to a new issue of securities generally below market price b : the negotiable certificate evidencing such privilege -- usu. used in pl. -- by rights : with reason or justice : PROPERLY -- in one's own right : by virtue of one's own qualifications or properties -- to rights : into proper order
3right adv (bef. 12c) 1 : according to right <live ~> 2 : in the exact location or position : PRECISELY <~ at his fingertips> <~ in the middle of the floor> 3 : in a suitable, proper, or desired manner <knew he wasn't doing it ~> 4 : in a direct line or course : DIRECTLY, STRAIGHT <go ~ home> 5 : according to fact or truth : TRULY <guessed ~> 6 : a : all the way <windows ~ to the floor> b : in a complete manner <felt ~ at home> 7 : without delay : IMMEDIATELY <~ after lunch> 8 : to a great degree : VERY <a ~ pleasant day> 9 : on or to the right <looked left and ~>
usage This ancient and homely adverb seems to make commentators
nervous, esp. in senses 4, 6, and 8. Some commentators think senses 4 and 6
should not be used in the most formal writing but are very common in ordinary
edited prose. Sense 8 is variously described as archaic, not standard, or
regional. None of these descriptors is accurate. It is in current good use.
It does appear in most dialect areas but seems to be more common in the
Southern and Midland areas than elsewhere. It seems to be more common in
speech than writing, but it is not rare in edited prose <it is the man and
his London that count, and [the author] recognizes this right well --
Newgate Callendar, New York Times Bk. Rev.> <a defender of the
language -- you remember, he defended it right profitably in his
earlier [book] -- William Cole, Saturday Rev.>
4right vt (bef. 12c) 1 : a : to do justice to : redress the injuries of <so just is God to ~ the innocent --Shak.> b : JUSTIFY, VINDICATE <felt the need to ~ himself in court> 2 : AVENGE <vows to ~ the injustice done to his family> 3 : a : to adjust or restore to the proper state or condition <helps to ~ the imbalance of his previous work> b : to bring or restore to an upright position <~ a capsized boat> -- right-er n
~ vi : to become upright
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rob-bery n, pl -ber-ies (13c) : the act or practice of robbing; specif : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat
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ser-vant n [ME fr. OF, fr. prp. of servir] (13c) : one that serves others; esp : one that performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer -- ser-vant-hood n -- ser-vant-less adj
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1slan-der n [ME sclaundre, slaundre, fr. OF esclandre, fr. LL scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL] (13c) 1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation 2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL -- slan-der-ous adj -- slan-der-ous-ly adv -- slan-der-ous-ness n
2slan-der vt -der-ing; -dered (14c) : to utter slander against : DEFAME syn see MALIGN -- slan-der-er n
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1sov-er-eign also sov-ran n [ME soverain, fr. OF soverain adj.] (13c) 1 : a : one possessing or held to possess sovereignty b : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere c : an acknowledged leader : ARBITER 2 : a coin of the United Kingdom containing 113 grains of fine gold
2sov-er-eign adj [ME soverain, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL superanus, fr. L super over, above -- more at OVER] (14c) 1 : a : of the most exalted kind : SUPREME <~ virtue> b : superlative in quality : EXCELLENT c : having generalized curative powers <a ~ remedy> d : of an unqualified nature : UNMITIGATED <~ contempt> e : having undisputed ascendancy : PARAMOUNT 2 : : a : possessed of supreme power <~ ruler> b : unlimited in extent : ABSOLUTE c : enjoying autonomy : INDEPENDENT <~ state> 3 : relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a sovereign syn see DOMINANT, FREE -- sov-er-eign-ly adv
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2sub-jec-tive adj (15c) 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a subject: as a : obs : of, relating to, or characteristic of one that is a subject esp. in lack of freedom of action or in submissiveness b : being or relating to a grammatical subject; esp : NOMINATIVE 2 : of or relating to the essential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, or relations 3 : a : relating to or determined by the mind as the subject of experience <~ reality> b : characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of the mind : PHENOMENAL -- compare OBJECTIVE 1b c : relating to or being experience or knowledge as conditioned by personal mental characteristics or states 4 : a : peculiar to a particular individual : PERSONAL <~ judgements> b : arising from conditions within the brain or sense organs and not directly caused by external stimuli <~ sensations> c : arising out of or identified by means of one's own perception of one's own states and processes -- compare OBJECTIVE 1c <a ~ symptom of disease> 5 : lacking in reality or substance : ILLUSORY -- sub-jec-tiv-i-ty n -- sub-jec-tive-ly adv -- sub-jec-tive-ness n
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trea-son n [ME tresoun. fr. OF traison, fr. ML tradition-, traditio, fr. L, act of handing over, fr. traditus, pp., betrayed -- more at TRAITOR] (13c) 1 : the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY 2 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or his family
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un-law-ful adj (14c) 1 : not lawful : ILLEGAL 2 : not morally right or conventional -- un-law-ful-ly adv -- un-law-ful-ness n
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vic-tim n [L victima; akin to OHG wih, Skt vinakti he sets apart] (15c) 1 : a living being sacrificed to a deity or in the performance of a religious rite 2 : one that is acted on and usu. adversely affected by a force or agent <the schools are ~s of the social system> : as a : 1 : one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions <a ~ of cancer> <a ~ of the auto crash> 2 : one that is subjected to oppression, hardship, or mistreatment <a frequent ~ of severe political attacks> b : one that is tricked or duped <a con man's ~>
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wrong-ful adj (14c) 1 : WRONG, UNJUST 2 : a : having no legal sanction : UNLAWFUL b : ILLEGITIMATE -- wrong-ful-ly adv -- wrong-ful-ness n
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